Australian Visa
Which Visa?
To find out which visa options are open to you, see
- Under the “Main purpose of your visit”, select *Attending an event
- Select your passport country and continue
- Your visa options will be displayed with details of any conditions, fees, processing times and the step by step application process. Please read the conditions carefully to be sure you are able to meet these, ahead of starting your application.
Application Process
Electronic Travel Authorities (ETA)
If you are eligible to enter Australia with an ETA (subclass 601), (citizens of most European, North American and some other countries) the website above will also explain how to download the App and apply for an ETA.
EVistor or Visa
If a Visa (including an EVisitor) is needed, use the apply link to create an ImmiAccount (one per person) as soon as possible. The Australian homeaffairs website gives all relevant information on the application process. Once you have an ImmiAccount, you should apply for a Tourist Stream Visitor Short Stay Visa to attend a religious event.
Application Timing
Applications lodged too far in advance of an event may be set aside as the result of prioritising visa case loads. The timing above will ensure the visa is processed in good time without expiring before your arrival in Australia. It can also mitigate integrity concerns where a visa holder has a change in circumstances which would make them ineligible for a visa and therefore denied entry upon arrival.
Invitation Letters
A full refund of registration fees will be issued to those who have their visa denied only if the visa application was lodged prior to April 30, 2025. To receive a refund, you must apply by June 30, 2025, by emailing your request to and including a copy of your denial letter along with proof of your application having been made before April 30, 2025.
Possible Visa Options
Electronic Travel Authority – ETA (subclass 601)
Click the button below for this visa type:
eVisitor visa
Eligible passport holders apply online by creating an Immi Account. Applications are processing often within a day.
Click the button below for this visa type:
Visitor (subclass 600)
Tourist stream visa. Eligible passport holders apply online by creating an Immi Account.
Click the button below for this visa type:
Visitor (subclass 600) Business stream visa
Click the button below for this visa type:
- Worship
- Break
- Worship
- Break
- Live Business Session
- Workshops
- Break
- Worship Session
- Online Networking / Connection Time