We have an incredible week planned for the 23rd Baptist World Congress in Brisbane, Australia!

New Program Features for 2025
Pre-Congress Summits
On Monday, July 7, and Tuesday, July 8, there are exciting opportunities for you to attend one of two Summits – one for Women (and men) of all ages and one for NxtGen Leaders aged 18-35. Both will provide special opportunities for inspiration, learning, and interaction with people of faith from around the world. Click to learn more about the Baptist Women’s Summit and the Nxt Gen Leadership Summit.

Preaching Symposium
A new feature for this Congress will be a Preaching Symposium each afternoon. Come and hear excellent sermons from preachers from around the world and enjoy the opportunity to interact with them as they talk about their inspiration and preparation process.
Other Congress Features
The Congress will open formally at 7 pm on Wednesday, July 9, with our Opening Celebration. Join us as we come together, welcome one other, and celebrate our unity as a diverse international family, each living out the Good News in the context and cultures to which God has called us. Ahead of the opening, during the day, you will be able to register, meet friends (old and new) and enjoy the various exhibition stands.

From Thursday morning we will begin a daily pattern starting each day together in plenary worship and hearing stories of how God is at work around the world. We will then break into smaller Bible Study groups presented in a variety of languages – an opportunity to listen and share in your heart language.
Each afternoon will include a variety of activities to experience and interact with – Seminars, Affinity Groups, the Preaching Symposium and regional gatherings. You may also like to enjoy time at the Global Stage where musicians, dancers, soloists, and groups from around the world will offer their gifts in ministry to us. The Exhibition will be open each day.
Each evening we will come back together in worship, teaching, and celebration of what God is doing in the lives of the global Baptist family. The Congress will culminate with the Closing Celebration on Saturday as we commission each other to go out and live the Good News.
Two hours are allowed for lunch and dinner breaks each day to enable you to spend lots of time both off or onsite meeting, networking, and sharing with members of your global family. Click below to view a draft overview of the program.
- Worship
- Break
- Worship
- Break
- Live Business Session
- Workshops
- Break
- Worship Session
- Online Networking / Connection Time