Paul Msiza is a native of South Africa. Born in Mamelodi, one of the townships of the capital city of Pretoria, he grew up during the difficult times of the Apartheid. He was called to ministry while working as a teacher. He served in several rural churches as a bivocational pastor. In 2001, he planted the Peniel Salem Baptist Church where he is currently serving as senior pastor.
He has served as President of the All Africa Baptist Fellowship (2006-2011), BWA Vice President (2010-2015), and President of the Baptist World Alliance (2015-2020). Paul continues to serve both his local church as senior pastor, his Convention in South Africa, and the BWA.
In 2016, he was awarded an honorary doctoral degree by the Andhra Pradesh Theological University. In 2024, he completed his PhD program at the University of North-West in South Africa.