Aid Symposium
The Baptist World Congress will feature a special track for pastors, aid and development practitioners, nonprofit directors, convention leaders, or those interested in Aid, Development, and/or Social Service Ministries. This track will include a series of dynamic seminars with the opportunity to earn a continuing education unit and a Certificate in Humanitarian Action from Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary and the Baptist World Alliance.
There will be a special kickoff Symposium on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 9, commencing at 1:30 pm that will be open to anyone who wishes to attend regardless of whether you choose to pursue the Aid Track.
The Symposium will be a great networking opportunity and will feature a guest speaker and interactive sessions. More details will follow soon. If you are involved or interested in these ministry areas, plan to arrive in Brisbane early enough to attend the Wednesday Symposium.

If you are interested in being a part of the Aid track, please indicate your interest via the link below.